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Project Stream

Made in response to the goal of trying to set the Restoration Ecology Site Project Stream at Mt. Holyoke College on the trajectory towards dominance of native plant species - these four human sized cloths are covered in contact prints of native and non native plants. In order to mirror what is being done in the nearby landscapes monitored by Project Stream the fabrics are covered by roughly 80% native species in blue, and 20% non native species in red. On the ground are dirt stencils of native plants. As the viewer engages with the fabrics themselves they are forced to be a part of the destruction of the dirt stencils at their feet. This piece asks the viewer to reflect and acknowledge the destruction that has already been done in addition to working to restore or fix the damage. 

Medium / 

Silkscreen contact prints on fabric, dirt stencils. Fabrics range in size between 4’ x 2’ - 6’ x 8’


Location / 

Mount Holyoke College


Date / 

October 2019

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